The main reason for
the gap between these last couple of posts and the previous one is that daily life simply has become too normal for me to make aspects of
it particularly interesting to anyone else. You may have noticed on the news
over the past couple of weeks that this is no longer the case; we have returned
to the kind of unpredictable excitement that greeted me when I first arrived
here about fifteen months ago. Though I will talk about it, I must
direct you to better equipped and more directly involved news agencies for any
detailed analysis. The caveat to all I say is that this isn't sound or
trustworthy analysis, just my opinions based on the limited observations I make
living here.
This latest trouble all started a couple of weeks ago with
President Mursi's decree that was meant to deal with the challenges of the
judiciary to his government. There are two things to note here. The first is
that I'm pretty sure that this had nothing to do with his role in the Gaza
ceasefire. Mursi is fairly calculating, and won't have done something like this
off the cuff just because he was on a diplomatic high - especially as the Gaza
ceasefire really didn't make much difference to the way he was viewed at home.
Those who liked him previously continued to like him, and those who didn't,
didn't. Secondly, one of the key parts of the decree - removing the public
prosecutor - is something that he has been trying to do for months, and in
which he has been blocked by the judiciary. Both the senior judges and the
public prosecutor are hangovers from the old regime; getting rid of them, or
curbing their powers, had been something that a lot of people had wanted for a
long time.
What really brought people out on to the
streets is the way in which he brought about this little victory. He destroyed
the judges' power to block his removal of the public prosecutor by removing
their power to overturn any of his decrees (someone he can do as, under the
interim constitution, in the absence of the parliament, his decrees are
legislative). Of course, that removed the only check that had been acting on
his powers, making him a dictator, albeit, so he says, a temporary one.
Making matters worse was the publication
of a draft constitution. There had already been trouble in the constituent
assembly. Judges were preparing to rule on its legality (it is viewed by many
liberals as unrepresentative, due to the way in which it was formed). Being
dominated by Islamists, it was making no attempt to write a particularly balanced
constitution anyway, and this had prompted almost all its liberal and Christian
members to boycott it, though they weren't enough to prevent it from reaching
quorum. After Mursi's decree, it reportedly engaged in a mammoth sixteen hour
session, and produced a draft. This has come under predictable, though not
entirely unjustified attack from those who boycotted the assembly for its
provision of rights and equalities (or rather, lack of provision). In my view,
that isn't the key problem. The bigger problem is that it mined previous
constitutions heavily, and so produced one that is a gift to authoritarian
rule. It is excessively long (236 articles), and in crucial parts vague and
contradictory (for example, insults are forbidden, but freedom of thought and
expression are guaranteed). As far as I can see, it is more important that it
makes sure that the government can't force the courts into interpreting vague
articles in their favour (what's to stop them from interpreting a political
attack from a rival presidential candidate as an insult?), than to make sure
that all western rights and freedoms are included. I also fear that the
opposition will lose the referendum in a couple of weeks’ time, because they will be focussing on
the fact that it is illiberal, when a pretty conservative country will probably
be more concerned with the threat of a new dictatorship.
Whatever the result of the constitutional
referendum, it is now clear that Egypt has become a very divided country. It
has been moving in this direction for a while. Various (liberal and/or
Christian) friends have been engaging in foolish talk of the need for another
revolution. (One is compelled to ask: if the previous revolution, started by
people like you with a united populace behind you, didn't produce a result that
left you confident in the future of your country, why do think that another
revolution, with a divided populace, will produce a better outcome?) It remains
to be seen whether, should the constitution pass in a demonstrably free and
fair referendum, things will settle down again. My entirely uneducated hunch is
that it will pass (I'd guess 60-40); however, it is perfectly possible that
protests will continue on the basis that the process that led to it
illegitimises the outcome. Some friends speculate, perhaps hopefully, that if
it doesn't pass the embarrassment will force Mursi out. I don't see that
happening: if it doesn't pass, he keeps the powers that he granted himself in
this decree. Without a parliament, there is no obstacle to his legislative
will. And unless he is forced from power by protests of the scale that toppled
Mubarak, there is no reason for him and his supporters, members of an
organisation that has sought power for eighty years, to surrender it.
Whether Mursi departs or not, and whether
the constitution passes or not, there seems to be a high possibility of some
violence. My dentist, having kindly performed root canal, followed up by a
suggestion that I leave the country. At this stage, and on this information, I
think that would be premature. But it goes some way to showing just how nervous
people are.
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